


Cheap Flights from Tenerife Island to Anywhere from €13

Looking for a flight from Tenerife Island and not sure where to go? Check out the cheapest flight deals to destinations from Tenerife Island. There are 21 domestic and 71 international flights from Tenerife Island.

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Domestic flights from Tenerife Island

Cheapest flights from Tenerife Island to abroad

What airlines fly from Tenerife Island?

The following airlines fly from Tenerife Island: Ryanair, Binter Canarias, Vueling, Wizz Air, EasyJet, Canaryfly, Air Europa, Thomson Airways

To which countries are flights from Tenerife Island?

From Tenerife Island you can fly to the following countries: UK, France, Morocco, Italy, Switzerland, Ireland, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Denmark, Norway, Czechia, Latvia, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Iceland, Venezuela, USA. The number of international destinations is more than 71

Flying is the fastest and most convenient way to travel between the Canary Islands or visit the mainland. However, ticket prices can be a barrier, especially if you are traveling with your family or during high season. Luckily, there are many options to find cheap flights from Tenerife if you know where and when to look.

Low-cost airlines operating in Tenerife

The arrival of low-cost airlines has revolutionized air travel in the Canaries, offering very affordable fares on short-haul flights. Some of the main ones:

  • Ryanair: Connects Tenerife to over 15 destinations in Spain and Europe at very competitive prices. Flies out of Tenerife South Airport.
  • Easyjet: Another major low-cost airline with bases at Tenerife North and South airports. Covers routes like Tenerife-Milan or Tenerife-London.
  • Vueling: Offers direct flights to Barcelona and connecting flights to other destinations via the El Prat hub.
  • Norwegian: Operates at Tenerife North Airport with low-cost flights to destinations like Oslo or Helsinki.
  • Binter Canarias: A regional airline focused on inter-island connections. Affordable prices on routes like Tenerife-Gran Canaria.
  • Iberia Express: An Iberia subsidiary with a low-cost pricing policy. Flies from Tenerife to destinations like Madrid or Bilbao.

Tips for finding cheap flights from Tenerife

By following these tips you will optimize your flight searches and find the best deals:

1. Compare between airlines and search engines

Use search engines like Skyscanner or Kayak to compare prices from hundreds of airlines and travel agencies in one search. You can check if any low-cost airline has the cheapest fare.

2. Choose flexible dates

The most expensive days to fly are usually Fridays and Sundays. If your date is not fixed, choose to fly on a weekday, when demand is lower and airlines compete on price.

3. Fly from the less congested airport

Tenerife North Airport usually has lower fares than Tenerife South to the same destinations, as it receives less traffic.

4. Look for flights with a stopover

Sometimes it is cheaper to fly to your final destination with an intermediate stopover. For example, from Tenerife to Frankfurt via Lisbon or Barcelona. Though do account for the extra flight time.

5. Take advantage of last minute offers

You can find bargains by booking a flight with very little notice, as airlines lower prices to fill available seats. Though you need to be flexible with schedules and dates.

6. Fly on weekdays

Demand is higher on weekends, so it is best to fly Monday to Thursday whenever possible. Days like Tuesday and Wednesday usually have the lowest prices.

7. Choose early or late flights

The most expensive flights tend to be first thing in the morning and in the early evening. If you don't mind getting up early or flying at night, you'll save money.

8. Fly in the off-season

Avoid flying in summer or at Christmas. Prices are more affordable in months like October or February (except Carnival).

9. Fly with a low-cost airline

Airlines like Vueling or Ryanair tend to have the most competitive fares on their routes from Tenerife. Always compare them to Iberia or Air Europa.

10. Sign up for deals newsletters

Subscribe to newsletters from airlines like Norwegian or Ryanair. They will notify you of their promotions on routes like Tenerife-London or Tenerife-Rome.

Websites for finding cheap flights from Tenerife

These websites are ideal for finding bargains and comparing prices:

  • One of the best search engines, with prices from agencies and airlines.
  • Aviasales: Allows you to set alerts when flight prices drop.
  • Google Flights: Integrated into Google, very comprehensive and easy to use.
  • Momondo: Great comparison site that finds competitive fares.
  • Dohop: Searches hundreds of sites and notifies you if the price drops.
  • Jetcost: Also compares hotels and rental cars. Advanced filters.
  • Edreams: A classic flight search engine, with all airlines.

Airlines flying from Tenerife

The main airlines operating regular flights from Tenerife's airports are:

  • Iberia: Covers the most in-demand destinations in mainland Spain and Europe. Prices slightly higher.
  • Air Europa: The second player on domestic and international routes from Tenerife.
  • Ryanair: The low-cost airline par excellence, with an extensive network of low-cost destinations from Tenerife South.
  • Vueling: Bets on connections to Barcelona and Northern Europe via the Barcelona hub.
  • EasyJet: Another major low-cost airline present at both Tenerife airports. Cheap flights abroad.
  • Binter: Leader in inter-island connections. Essential for flying between the Canaries.
  • Iberia Express: Iberia's subsidiary with low-cost pricing policies. Routes like Tenerife-Madrid.
  • Norwegian: Very competitive prices on its routes to Scandinavia from Los Rodeos Airport.
  • Condor: Connects Tenerife with German airports like Frankfurt, Hamburg or Munich.
  • British Airways: Direct flights from Tenerife to London and other UK destinations.

Tenerife airports

The island of Tenerife has two international airports:

  • Tenerife North Airport (TFN): Located in Los Rodeos, north of Santa Cruz. Low-cost airlines like Ryanair and Norwegian are based here.
  • Tenerife South Airport (TFS): Known as Reina Sofía. Located in the south of the island, it is the largest and busiest.

Tenerife North usually has cheaper prices to the same destinations as Tenerife South, since with less traffic, competition between airlines is greater.

However, Tenerife South has more destinations and daily frequencies. Ryanair only operates from the southern airport.

Low-cost destinations from Tenerife

Some of the destinations with the best flight deals from Tenerife are:

Mainland Spain and Balearics: Madrid, Barcelona, Malaga, Bilbao, Valencia, Seville, Santiago, etc.

Europe: London, Paris, Rome, Milan, Berlin, Amsterdam, Dublin, Brussels, etc.

Andalusia and Levante: Granada, Almeria, Murcia, Alicante, Malaga, etc.

Canary Islands: Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, Lanzarote, La Palma, El Hierro.

Germany and Scandinavia: Frankfurt, Hamburg, Oslo, Copenhagen, Stockholm, etc.

Low cost airlines like Vueling, Ryanair or Norwegian tend to have the most competitive rates on these routes.

Tips for renting a cheap car in Tenerife

A rental car gives you flexibility to explore the island. Here are some tips to get the best offers:

  • Compare prices on Rentalcars, Kayak, Momondo and other comparison sites.
  • Book in advance for lower rates.
  • Choose low-cost companies like Goldcar or Record Go.
  • Look for promotions and discount coupons on rental websites.
  • Avoid renting at the airport and pick up the car at an office. It is much cheaper.
  • If your reservation is flexible on dates, choose those with less demand.
  • Rent for more days to pay a lower daily price.
  • Opt for an economical, compact model (group A or B) to save money.
  • Check if full insurance is included before contracting it separately.

Special offers and promotions for cheap travel

Airlines offer special deals at certain times of the year. Here are some typical promotions for cheap travel from Tenerife:

  • Flights from 9-19€ on Ryanair's Valentine's Day.
  • Discounts in summer from Iberia Express on domestic flights.
  • Air Europa's Black Friday with discounts of 25-35% in November.
  • Vueling's CyberMonday with online-only promotions.
  • Iberia's low season with discounts in February and September.
  • Anniversary promotions for each airline.

You can also find special resident-only offers in certain airlines like Binter or Air Europa.

It's worth subscribing to airline and flight search newsletters to find out early about promotions on routes like Tenerife-Barcelona or Tenerife-London.